Eee Online Storage is a good resource (?)

Yes, the cryptic title refers to,that

Eee Online Storage bliver en god ressource (?) yo

Asus’ online storage solution for the Eee PC and Eee Box is launched, and everything indicates that it is a great resource for all Eee owners. Partly the solution will be very reasonable, having reportedly will be a solution where the Eee Storage appears as a drive with the hard disk, etc. – That is really easy to handle. However, I must say that the website seems quite unfinished so far ..

It is going to be a good cover for resources that it becomes nothing more than an online storage solution for Eee owner.

Apart from the introduction comes the solution to contain firmware and updates, tutorials, bonus packages with wallpapers and stuff and various other useful pieces of software. So to have “everything” Eee-related lying in one place sounds attractive.

Besides it is also an opportunity for Asus to share in the market with software sales and “media” sales, if the platform over time can develop over time into a kind of iTunes (which also handles updates to iPods, etc.) to Eee users. It says that Eee- brands seem to give opportunities for Asus to move forward into some new markets…
End of a cryptic Eee post. Good weekend here.

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